So often when we diet we exceed our calorie limit. If that calorie limit is set per day, then how do we get back on track when we've already exceeded our limit for the day?
Shall we just go hungry the rest of the day? At least, if we do that we won't feel like a failure. That is if we can manage going hungry. It's not likely we'll be able to tough it out and we'll end up feeling worse than ever.
Going hungry is never a good idea--not that being hungry is necessarily harmful in and of itself, but for someone dieting it can be the straw that breaks the camel's back.
The best way I've found to handle this situation is to not only have a daily calorie allotment, but a 'per meal' and 'per snack' allotment.
Say I've set myself an allowance of 3 meals and 3 snacks a day, with a total daily calorie count of 1350 calories, with a 200 calorie breakfast, a 300 calorie lunch, and a 400 calorie supper, and snacks of 150 calories each.
In the event I go 'crazy' and eat 1350 calories by the end of lunch, I don't have to feel troubled the rest of the day, wishing it over so I can start fresh the next day with new resolve.
Because come snack time I know I can safely eat 150 calories, and at supper 400 calories. Being right back on track, I can immediately feel successful and not let a half a day of weakness dishearten me.
This strategy is a great benefit. And you can employ it no matter how you measure your allowed food. If, instead of calories, you count protein/fat/carbs, do the same--set up a daily allotment as well as meal/snack allotments.
In so doing you will always have a map to guide you should you veer off course.
As well, this strategy reduces emotional stressors that accompany dieting. Too often, in my opinion, diet plans don't address the emotional elements of dieting.
We humans are emotional beings and nothing we do is cut and dried, devoid of emotion. If we don't figure out how to deal with the emotional aspects of the process we likely won't be successful.
You can tell yourself to 'just do it' all day long. And every time you fail you will wonder 'why can't I 'just do it'? And the logical answer, to your mind, will be 'I'm just weak'.
Well, humanly speaking we are all weak in our problem areas. If we weren't they wouldn't be problem areas.
Understanding that this weakness is why you have the problem in the first place will help you understand that you need to take countermeasures. That you need to learn how to slay your dragons.
I've used this method for two years now and it has made all the difference in the world. I feel like I've finally got a handle on how to keep track of my food intake and manage it. And I don't feel weak any longer. I have the sword to slay my dragon.