" For, lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone; the flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land. " Song of Solomon

January 12, 2008


Below is my daily food journal. Check the time. Check my total calorie intake by that point in the day. Now answer this question? Why am I hungry?

1:32 PM 1/11/2008

cereal 110
milk 20
blueberries 20
cream 40

bread 160
mayo 45
ham 60
cheese 70

Answer: I NEED TO EAT MORE FOOD! I’ve learned that by the time I’ve finished lunch I need to have consumed, give or take a few, around 800 calories of well balanced foods ---400 by the time lunch begins and the other 400 by the end of lunch, for a total of 800.

With 400 allotted for my evening meal, that is a total of 1200 calories. Any calories above that which I am allowed can be either snacks, or an increase, preferably, at the lunch and/or evening meal. Some days I don’t need snacks in between meals, others I do.

I thought this exercise might give you some insight and pause to think how you apportion you daily food allotment. For me, eating enough at a meal is key. Too often in the past I tried to get by on as little food as possible---which came back to bite me in the behind at the end of the day.
After I finished this post I ate some more food. See my updated food journal, noticing the time and total calories so far for the same day. (Note: I'm no longer hungry.)

3:14 PM 1/11/2008

cereal 110
milk 20
blueberries 20
cream 40

bread 160
mayo 45
ham 60
cheese 70

cott. cheese 90
apple 50
chocolate 145
"....there have been many times when I have shed bitter tears, when if I had understood the situation better, I would have celebrated my good luck instead."


I am not a doctor and all information, suggestions, etc are my personal opinion only.