Below is my daily food journal. Check the time. Check my total calorie intake by that point in the day. Now answer this question? Why am I hungry?
1:32 PM 1/11/2008
cereal 110
milk 20
blueberries 20
cream 40
bread 160
mayo 45
ham 60
cheese 70
Answer: I NEED TO EAT MORE FOOD! I’ve learned that by the time I’ve finished lunch I need to have consumed, give or take a few, around 800 calories of well balanced foods ---400 by the time lunch begins and the other 400 by the end of lunch, for a total of 800.
With 400 allotted for my evening meal, that is a total of 1200 calories. Any calories above that which I am allowed can be either snacks, or an increase, preferably, at the lunch and/or evening meal. Some days I don’t need snacks in between meals, others I do.
I thought this exercise might give you some insight and pause to think how you apportion you daily food allotment. For me, eating enough at a meal is key. Too often in the past I tried to get by on as little food as possible---which came back to bite me in the behind at the end of the day.
After I finished this post I ate some more food. See my updated food journal, noticing the time and total calories so far for the same day. (Note: I'm no longer hungry.)
3:14 PM 1/11/2008
cereal 110
milk 20
blueberries 20
cream 40
bread 160
mayo 45
ham 60
cheese 70
cott. cheese 90
apple 50
chocolate 145
1:32 PM 1/11/2008
cereal 110
milk 20
blueberries 20
cream 40
bread 160
mayo 45
ham 60
cheese 70
Answer: I NEED TO EAT MORE FOOD! I’ve learned that by the time I’ve finished lunch I need to have consumed, give or take a few, around 800 calories of well balanced foods ---400 by the time lunch begins and the other 400 by the end of lunch, for a total of 800.
With 400 allotted for my evening meal, that is a total of 1200 calories. Any calories above that which I am allowed can be either snacks, or an increase, preferably, at the lunch and/or evening meal. Some days I don’t need snacks in between meals, others I do.
I thought this exercise might give you some insight and pause to think how you apportion you daily food allotment. For me, eating enough at a meal is key. Too often in the past I tried to get by on as little food as possible---which came back to bite me in the behind at the end of the day.
After I finished this post I ate some more food. See my updated food journal, noticing the time and total calories so far for the same day. (Note: I'm no longer hungry.)
3:14 PM 1/11/2008
cereal 110
milk 20
blueberries 20
cream 40
bread 160
mayo 45
ham 60
cheese 70
cott. cheese 90
apple 50
chocolate 145