Christmas is not a time for self-examination or introspection. It is a time for joy.
Joy is not the same as happiness. Happiness is dependent upon the circumstances. Give me a box of chocolates, I'm happy. Take it away, I'm sad. Joy rises above the circumstances---it dwells in your heart along with hope.
Take comfort in the sights, the sounds, and sensations of the season. Experience them, immerse yourself in the simple pleasures.
Light a candle. String some lights...you don't need a tree...a window will do. Listen to some Christmas music. No CD player? There's always the radio. Take a stroll at the mall and watch others shop while you relax. And remember this: they have their sorrows and heartaches too. Bake some cookies (slice and bake will do). Tour your neighborhood and check out the lights. Drink cocoa topped with a mountain of whipped cream and sprinkled with some red and green sugar crystals. Send a few Christmas cards. Think good thoughts....think on that which is lovely, pure, kind, and good.
Forget about the images in the magazines or on television showing the "perfect" holidays. Those are staged...they're not real. Maybe you don't have family or close friends.....not everyone does. But don't let that ruin Christmas. You're not alone. Jesus came and He is all we need. Take comfort in the knowledge that He loves you. Take joy: the Lord is come....let earth declare her King.
And when the New Year comes, then take stock. Examine your life. Change what you can and learn to accept, to live with, embrace if necessary what can't be changed, all the while keeping hope alive in your heart. Why? Nothing lasts forever. It too will pass. In Christ, the baby born in a manger, is a Saviour...he came...and to as many who receive him, who believe on His name, to them He gives the power to become the child of God. And those that are His, He is able to deliver.
Joy is not the same as happiness. Happiness is dependent upon the circumstances. Give me a box of chocolates, I'm happy. Take it away, I'm sad. Joy rises above the circumstances---it dwells in your heart along with hope.
Take comfort in the sights, the sounds, and sensations of the season. Experience them, immerse yourself in the simple pleasures.
Light a candle. String some lights...you don't need a tree...a window will do. Listen to some Christmas music. No CD player? There's always the radio. Take a stroll at the mall and watch others shop while you relax. And remember this: they have their sorrows and heartaches too. Bake some cookies (slice and bake will do). Tour your neighborhood and check out the lights. Drink cocoa topped with a mountain of whipped cream and sprinkled with some red and green sugar crystals. Send a few Christmas cards. Think good thoughts....think on that which is lovely, pure, kind, and good.
Forget about the images in the magazines or on television showing the "perfect" holidays. Those are staged...they're not real. Maybe you don't have family or close friends.....not everyone does. But don't let that ruin Christmas. You're not alone. Jesus came and He is all we need. Take comfort in the knowledge that He loves you. Take joy: the Lord is come....let earth declare her King.
And when the New Year comes, then take stock. Examine your life. Change what you can and learn to accept, to live with, embrace if necessary what can't be changed, all the while keeping hope alive in your heart. Why? Nothing lasts forever. It too will pass. In Christ, the baby born in a manger, is a Saviour...he came...and to as many who receive him, who believe on His name, to them He gives the power to become the child of God. And those that are His, He is able to deliver.
Weight Loss Update: I weighed today and have lost another 1.4 pounds! I was quite surprised. I am losing at least as much, if not more, weight eating 1600 calories a day than I ever did doing Weight Watchers...and on WW I was hungry all the time (I was in the lowest point range).
And--get this--- I'm not exercising or drinking "my water". I hated drinking all that water. I spent way too much time in the bathroom. It was ridiculous. I get plenty of fluids throughout the day without forcing myself to drink water.
Concerning the exercise, my point is evidently you can lose weight without exercising and without going hungry. So many of the young women whose weight loss blogs I read are exercising an hour a day, and when they "overeat" they do additional exercise to burn up the extra points/calories. It seems like bondage to me.
Mind you I'm not opposed to exercise...there are wonderful health benefits associated with it. My tendonitis currently prevents me from walking, which is my preferred exercise, and this time of the year the weather is miserable too. I am unable to walk on a treadmill...I had plantar facitis which has finally healed. My doctor, who experienced the same, attributes his problem to the treadmill also, and told me to stay off of it. He thinks that the PF might be a repetitive use injury similar to carpal tunnel. I concur. I've known many people who develop it and they were all treadmill users. Perhaps I was not wearing the correct shoes for the treadmill. At any rate, it took almost 2 years to completely heal my foot and I don't want to risk another similar injury.
To those of you who love Weight Watchers and have excellent results, I say great. But if you find yourself unable to lose on WW, try a different approach. I'd given up pretty much, thinking if WW wouldn't work any more for me, nothing would. But, I was wrong. I'm so glad I tried again and didn't settle for being "fat".