The perfect diet plan is the one that works...for you.
I've tried the low cal, the low fat, and the low carb plans with limited and temporary success. I even came across one called Kimkinns which incorporates all three..Aha!...I thought...perhaps I've found the answer. Closer inspection showed me that I wouldn't last a week on that plan. It's worked for some, but it's not for me.
Finally I devised my own plan that miraculously, at least for me, keeps me from being hungry and craving food between meals. I call it the 400 RAW-50/30/20 plan.
It works like this: each meal, but especially breakfast and lunch should consist of approximately 400 calories; and those calories should be made up of 50% carbohydrates, 30% fat, and 20% protein. In calories and grams that would be 200/50g carb calories, 120/13.3 fat calories and 80/20g protein calories. In addition, you must eat 1 raw food at each meal. Additional calories are optional within the 50/30/20 parameters.
Why this "blend" of food cured my constant hunger and cravings I'm not sure...but it did and I am so surprised. If you are frustrated in your weigh loss efforts, perhaps this plan will work for you.
Ideally your fat and carbs will be the good ones...higher fiber whole grain carbs and monounsaturated fats, higher in omega 3's.
Also, it is important to eat what you have a taste for within the parameters. Example: if pancakes sound good for breakfast, don't eat cereal or eggs, etc. Listen to the taste cues your body gives you.
The raw foods are generally fruit at breakfast and veggies or fruit at the other meals. The amount you eat is up to you as long as you keep within the parameters. When the raw food is one that is generally considered "free" by most diet plans, the amount becomes less important, although you optimally should eat 1 serving, based on dietary serving standards. Important: the raw food serving is a must, do not omit it thinking it won't matter. Raw foods are filling and provide enzymes that cooking destroys.
Also, the calorie/carb/fat/protein does not have to be exact....just try to get is important not to obsess....the idea is to eat enough calories, carbs, fat and protein to nourish and fuel your body.
You can easily boost the protein content of a meal by adding protein powder. I suggest a whey or milk& egg protein powder that provides around 20 grams of protein for about 100 calories, with no sweeteners and grams of carbs around 2 per serving. This powder can be stirred into cereal, cottage cheese, pancake mix, added to water, ice and sweetener, fruit optional, and made into a smoothie.