" For, lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone; the flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land. " Song of Solomon

January 27, 2008


To all of you who left comments on my “I Am A Loser” post I say thank-you for the encouraging words. The support from fellow bloggers is amazing. I do appreciate each of you.

But I think I’ve had a light bulb moment---yet another ----you’d think by now I’d be fully illuminated. Geesh. I’m a slow learner…scary thought, eh, “too soon old, too late smart”. I’m trying to catch all those missed boats.

Here’s my thought. Prior to anonymous pointing out my habitual practice of typing loose when I should be typing lose, I was barely aware of my bad habit. That led to me to wondering, how many of us have bad habits that we are not aware of which are related to weight gain or inability to loose weight?

Others can often see what we ourselves cannot see. But all too often those others aren’t going to bring up our “error” because, well, there is that danger of shooting the messenger and missing the message or rejecting it. Few there be that take the risk.

Mind you, since anonymous made her/his point, I’m very cognizant of my bad habit and, at least for now, am catching it. Hopefully I will continue and develop a new habit, that being typing lose instead of loose in reference to losing as in weight. I didn't lose you with that explanation did I?

Here’s where you all come in. As I read your blogs I learn from your mistakes. You share your mishaps and frustrations and gleanings of weight loss wisdom. And I benefit. And sometimes I note a behavior that I analyze as being a stumbling stone to you, and having identified it in your quest, I also see wherein I’ve done the same.

As an example, I’ve noted on many blogs those who were so frustrated with their scale weight they would have happily tossed the scale through the closed window, shrieking and cursing all the while. But as an outsider and onlooker I was easily able to see that they were weighing themselves too often and becoming frustrated when the scale didn’t move or it moved in the wrong direction. But my analysis didn’t stop there-----the light bulb came on, and I was enlightened---- I realized I was doing the very same thing! These bloggers, although not intentioned, were shining the light on my own error.

The insight I gained was a huge benefit to me and helped me to correct my own habit. You see, we can’t fix what we aren’t aware of. Knowledge is power…it gives us the impetus to fix our shortcomings and alter our destiny.

Thus, we might all begin to think about examining our habits, checking to see if we are nescient and doing things that are a hindrance to our pursuit. And if we dare, we might ask those close to us for their input. Should they be brave souls, they will open their mouth, but I imagine, not without fear and trepidation.
"....there have been many times when I have shed bitter tears, when if I had understood the situation better, I would have celebrated my good luck instead."


I am not a doctor and all information, suggestions, etc are my personal opinion only.