" For, lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone; the flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land. " Song of Solomon

November 10, 2007


My biggest stumbling block in the battle of the bulge has been the number at the scale. It is my enemy. And from the sound of things in blogland, it is a villian in others' lives too.

Aside from the number being a tangible reference point it is of little or no value to me in my weightloss saga. It can, if I allow it, determine my day. If the number is down, I'm happy...if it's even I'm somber...and God forbid it's up...I'm frustrated, angry and often ready to throw the towel in.

It can't be trusted either. It can fluctuate hour to hour....depending on the physiological processes I can't see taking place in my body....if I'm regular or irregular...if I've eaten a lot of sodium or a large volume of food or water.

Hence, I've quit depending on it to measure my "success". The determinant I use on a daily basis is this: am I following my plan?

I keep track of what I do each day by writing it down...there is a record I can examine and determine if I did in fact follow my plan. I can see if I am on course. If I'm not, I adjust accordingly with the knowledge that in time there will be results and evidence at the scale to support that I've followed the plan.

I limit weighing myself to about once every 10 days. That is often enough. If by the end of a month I see no change in my weight then I know it is time to change the plan.

No longer do I allow the number at the scale to have any power over me. I say to myself "get over it!!!..it is just a number and means nothing in the larger scheme of things....just follow the plan!" So I keep plugging away, knowing this: it may very well may be 3 steps forward and two steps back some days or even seasons, but overall, I'm moving forward, making slow but sure progress and victory will be mine if I don't quit.
"....there have been many times when I have shed bitter tears, when if I had understood the situation better, I would have celebrated my good luck instead."


I am not a doctor and all information, suggestions, etc are my personal opinion only.