" For, lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone; the flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land. " Song of Solomon

September 19, 2006

The Opposite of Love

If I were to ask you what the opposite is of "love" you'd likely respond "hate". But would that answer be correct?

The Bible declares that God is love; that the law and prophets hang on these two great commandments: to love God, and love one's neighbor as oneself. The NT says that by this (love) shall all men know that ye (believers) are my (Christ) disciples.

Most of us know and understand what it means to love. I Corinthians 13, often referred to as the "love" chapter, gives us a detailed description of what love is, or to put it better, how love behaves. There is an old saying "pretty is as pretty does". I like to say "love is as love does". And when love "does not", hate is not necessarily the manifestation. Defined as lack of interest, lack of feeling, lack of concern, indifference is more likely the manifestation of a lack of love.

Are we indifferent to others? Do we care about others? How we answer these is a good indicator to reveal if we "love". Most of us could honestly declare we hate none....but how would we fare if scrutinized in our concern and interest in others?
"....there have been many times when I have shed bitter tears, when if I had understood the situation better, I would have celebrated my good luck instead."


I am not a doctor and all information, suggestions, etc are my personal opinion only.