" For, lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone; the flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land. " Song of Solomon

January 28, 2008


As I sit here and type this post I have a hot mug of Yorkshire Tea by Taylors of Harrogate. It has a rich amber color with a rich full flavor. The box says "blended in the Yorkshire Dales". This tea is blended by the same family who blends for Bettys Tea Rooms in Yorkshire (that's in England--you probably knew that :-D). I found this tea at T J Maxx and decided to purchase it because I love the comedy series "Last of the Summer Wine" which is set---and I hear filmed on location---in Yorkshire.

My tea is accompanied by a snack of Bhel Puri, which is an Indian "chaat" (snack) and is one of my favorites. It is apropos since Indian food is popular with many Brits. I assume it has something to do with the British ruling and occupying India for several years. I'm not that familiar with the history, so not wanting to step on any toes in ignorance, will say no more. If you're unfamiliar with Bhel Puri you can go here for the recipe and a video demonstration. Note: I use boiled potato instead of mango---I learned to make Bhel Puri from a friend who is a native of India.

When I was adding my skim milk powder to my tea I thought "now there's a post---skim milk powder". Mind you I drink and cook with 2% organic milk and for my morning coffee I use 1/2 and 1/2, which I limit to an ounce or 2 tablespoons. It costs me 40 calories, and is pretty high in fat, but I compensate for those "losses" in other ways. And my cereal gets 4 ounces of unsweetened Almond Breeze (almond milk) which is just 20 calories.

In my tea I've taken to using skim milk powder because it does save calories and fat grams that I can use elsewhere and it doesn't cool my tea down too fast---I like my beverages quite hot. If I do find it too hot, I can add an ice cube---problem solved. The skim milk powder in the tea is every bit as good as full fat milk---whereas the skim milk powder in my coffee was a no go---it tasted chalky to me.

And when it comes to frothing milk for your hot beverages, skim milk powder works fantastically. I generally put 4 teaspoons in my cup with approximately 4 tablespoons of boiling water then whip to a huge heady froth with my battery operated hand frother. I've posted about it before---here. It is one gadget I truly enjoy and use often and well worth the $20 I spent on it---mind you, that price included the good battery packaged with the frother. Once I have the froth in my cup, then I add my coffee and cream, or tea bag and water or whatever I might be drinking at the moment.

To make the skim milk handy, I put it in a small tin--a pretty one--and place a measuring spoon right in the tin. I've found that the plastic disposable spoons measure approximately 1 teaspoon (when fairly level) and if need be you can break the handle off to shorten it so it'll fit right in your tin. Just be sure that any loose plastic is knocked off so you don't end up drinking it---not good.

To make it easy, I've done the math and share it here. Noting that my box says a serving of milk is 1/3 cup dry powder, I calculated that 1/3 cup is 5 and 1/3 tablespoons, which is 16 teaspoons. With 1/3 cup being 80 calories, that makes one teaspoon 5 calories.

This is another one of those seemingly to me obvious things. But perhaps you haven't thought of it. Who knew so much could be said about skim milk powder? Well--I confess---I am verbose, so I don't find it all that difficult.
"....there have been many times when I have shed bitter tears, when if I had understood the situation better, I would have celebrated my good luck instead."


I am not a doctor and all information, suggestions, etc are my personal opinion only.